June 25, 2012Waste Minimization Tips
December 10, 2012Purchase of Home Composting Bin
The Suva City Council is embarking on some ambitious waste minimization initiatives, such as the popular 3R model for the City dwellers. One of such initiatives to be launched soon is the promotion of the concept of “Home based Backyard Composting” with the use of Composter Bins. Composting is recycling naturally by biological process that turns organic waste from your kitchen, yard clipping and green waste into soil-enriching humus (compost) which can be used in your backyard gardens to improve the soil fertility thereby increasing agricultural productivity, improved soil biodiversity, and reduced ecological risks and a better environment.
Council is targeting each and every property owner within the City of Suva to adopt this positive initiative to ensure a much cleaner, greener and healthier environment for our beloved City.
As a incentive to our residents compost Bins will be sold to interested residents at a subsidized price of just $30 per bin (one off cost) and information broacher & tips on the use of compost bins and process that follows will be made available to all residents accordingly. Council’s compost team will also visit those home owners who would require further assistance to demonstrate the process on site.
Home Owners / Occupiers are encouraged to participate in this concept of “home composting” by purchasing these compost bins. You may register your interest with the Council’s, Health Services Department on Level 2, Civic Centre Administrative Building 196 Victoria Parade, Suva.
For more details please do not hesitate to contact our Health Education Unit on 3313433 extensions 420, 404, 406; fax 3308434; email: naresh.narayan@scc.org.fj; tevita@scc.org.fj and taito@scc.org.fj.
Bijay Chand
Click Here to Download Form and Register For Eoi On Purchase Of Home Compost Bins