1. Home Compost Bins
Waste must be reduced from source. To assist ratepayers & residents, Suva City Council now promotes the use of Home Compost Bins (HCB) for composting your food peeling, grass cutting & yard clippings at a subsidized cost.
To order your HCB, please contact Health Services on 3313433 ext. 403, 402, 408 & 406 DSCI0021
Available at:
Suva City Council
Health Service Department
1st Floor Civic Administration Building
196 Victoria Parade
Applicable to: Suva Residents Only
Price: $30.00 FJD VIP
Contact: 331 3433 ext. 402,403,406,408
Delivery: Own Collection/SCC Delivery
2. Compost Manure
Compost manure is the end product of composting vegetable wastes, grass cuttings and yard clippings that comes out from your homes as rubbish. The Home Compost Bins, which are available for purchasing from our Head Office, will assist you with the production of the compost manure.
Compost manure is available at (first come first serve basis):
Suva City Council
Health Service Department
1st Floor Civic Administration Building
196 Victoria Parade
Price: $2.50FJD VIP per 5kg Bag
We would encourage that you contact: 331 3433 ext. 402,403,406,408 for your compost manure
- Produces an alternative cheaper soil conditioner
- Safe and Environment Friendly
3. Recycling Bins
These are colored bins, green, blue & yellow, placed at various locations within the City to cater for recyclable wastes such as aluminum cans, PET bottles, wrappers and papers. This initiative will assist us to create a cleaner environment by way of recycling wastes rather than filling up our landfill.
Usage: Available to all members of the Public
– All five (5) Total Service Stations in Suva
– Albert Park
– My Suva Picnic Park
Impact: Changes your attitude towards a Cleaner and Healthier Environment
4. Suva ECO Bags
These bags are made from waste cloth materials. Instead of throwing those waste cloth materials away, you can re-use them by sewing environmental friendly eco bags that substitutes the use of plastic shopping bags.
Place of Sale: Suva Market
Price: $15.00 FJD VIP per bag
Contact: 331 3433 ext. 403,406,408
Impact: Rejection of plastic shopping bags

5. Shredding of the Tree Branches from your Compound
In an effort to make the popular 3R concept practical, and to assist our ratepayers and residents to re-use their green waste, Council will soon be introducing the use of a mobile wood shredder to all wards within the City at a very cheap rate.
Contact: Senior Health Inspector (Operation)
Phone Contact: 3313433 ext. 404
6. Clean School Program
In a joint partnership with the Ministry of Education and Department of Environment, we are promoting a safe, clean & healthy environment for our schools through the implementation of 3R Programs. The Clean School Programs had been designed to involve students and teachers in practicing 3R so that burning of rubbish from schools is eliminated.
All schools in Suva are invited to participate.
Contact: 331 3433 ext. 406,408

7. Suva City Council – Compost Processing Center
The compost center processes vegetable wastes from the Suva Municipal Market, grass cuttings from contracted private contractors and from our very own parks and gardens. The end product is an environment – friendly soil conditioner (compost) which is available at our head office at $2.50VIP FJD per 5KG bag.
SCC Works Depot
Lakeba Street
For all Visits to the Compost Site please Contact: 331 3433 ext. 404

8. Waste Collection Schedule
As stewards of the environment, everyone has a role to play. This is our home and we all want a cleaner and greener environment. If we dispose our rubbish properly and practice recycle where applicable, our Fiji would be “The Place to be”.
All waste collection schedule available are downloadable below. You are encouraged to put out your rubbish on scheduled day of collection. Practice 3R where possible in terms of your waste.
- Household Garbage
- Green Waste
- White goods
This special collection is carried out on a quarterly basis. Dates of collection will be advertised in the newspaper one month before the collection. All Suva residents are advised that collection outside of the scheduled collection days will incur extra cost which will be paid by the residents at $15/cubic meter.
City residents are encouraged to practice 3R and utilize the services of private recycling companies.
9. Community Partnership – Collaboration in Waste Minimization
- Bagasau Green Village Project – Charles Street, Toorak, Suva.
- Desvouex Apartment – Desvouex Road, Suva
- Victoria Apartment – Riley Street, Suva
- Secretariat of the Pacific Community – Ratu Mara Road, Nabua, Suva
- Fiji Corrections Service – HQ, Gordon Street, Suva.
Where: Suva Civic Center Auditorium – Lower Hall
Who: All are invited
How Much: Admission Fee: $2.00 per person per session
When: 05.30pm to 06.30pm every Mondays & Tuesdays (Subject to Bookings)
Instructor: Ms. Philo Acton & Team
“We Take Care Of Our Environment YOU take care of your Health”
Contact: 331 3433 ext. 402 & 406