Clean Up Campaign 7-14 Feb 2015
February 5, 2015
Vacancies – MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (Re-advertised)
TAKE NOTICE that STRAY DOG TRAPPING exercise is currently being undertaken by the Council in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture & SPCA within the City boundary.
Since this notice shall apply to all areas within the Suva City Boundary, including City’s public parks, residents are advised to ensure that their pets are secured and safe and do not become trapped with the stray dog population of the City.
Dogs trapped will be taken to either the Ministry of Agriculture at Koronivia or SPCA at Walu Bay and shall be available for reclaiming by their owners within 48 hours of capture subject to payment of charges. All dogs released will be neutered and the costs shall be borne by the owners as well.
Dogs not claimed within 48 hours will be dealt with by the Ministry of Agriculture & SPCA as they consider appropriate and no liability shall attach to the Suva City Council, Ministry of Agriculture & the SPCA including any employee or agent thereof, arising out of this stray dog trapping exercise.
Due to the surge in stray population becoming problematic to the City community, trapping of strays will now become an on-going exercise for the City until further notice. Residents with any queries may contact SCC Health Dept on phone 3313433 x 404 or
email to customerservice@scc.org.fj, SPCA ph; 3301266, Ministry of Agriculture ph 3480013 Should you wish that traps be set in your areas please contact the Council Office on the above given phone number.
Residents are urged to please cooperate with the SCC/SPCA/MPI team to help address stray population within the City.
B. Chand
Acting Chief Executive Officer