July 1, 2020Fiji50 Garden and Tree Planting at My Suva Park – 30th Sept
October 8, 2020The general public is hereby advised that Suva City Council is carrying out a Ratepayer Profiling Survey for all the properties within the Suva City proclaimed Boundary. The purpose of this exercise is to update rateable property information.
The Suva City Council enumerators shall be carrying identification cards at all times during this door to door exercise.
Please contact our Rates Office for any further clarification on Phone 3313 433 extensions 122, 224, 221,217 or Fax 330 4419 or e-mail: ratesenquiry@scc.org.fj
Your co-operation and assistance during the period of the profiling exercise shall be highly appreciated.
Azam Khan
Chief Executive Officer (acting)