Waste Minimization Tips
December 10, 2012
October 8, 2013The Suva City Council hosted their official launching of the SCC Home Compost Bin Project at their Chambers on the 10th of December, 2012. Present at the launch was the UN Coordinator and Resident Representative of UNDP Pacific Center, Mr Knut Ostby and his officers from the UNDP GEF Small Grants Program, the General manager- Rotomould (Fiji) Limited- the official supplier of the compost bins, the team from Japanese Embassy; the Japanese International Cooperation Agency(JICA) and the central board of Health & National Center for Health promotion of the Ministry of Health, the Department of Local Government and the Department of Environment.
The Council hopes to reduce operational costs and to maintain a clean City as it moves to make composting a must for all its residents. Awareness on this concept is well under way.
A total of 1,954,120 kg of rubbish(house garbage, green waste, general refuse) were disposed of at Naboro Landfill with a total cost gate fee amounting to $49, 126. 28
City residents are encouraged to exercise environment stewardship in minimizing waste by practicing the popular 3R concepts (reduce, reuse, recycle). One simple process is turning waste into useful compost through “Home based composting”. Composting is recycling naturally by biological process that turns organic waste from your kitchen, yard clipping and green waste into soil-enriching humus (compost) which can be used in you backyard gardens to improve the soil fertility thereby increasing agricultural productivity, improved soil bio-diversity and reduced ecological risk and a better environment. Composting reduces the volume of generated wastes that would have to be transported and disposed of at Landfills thereby reducing disposal costs.
With the help from the United Nations, SCC has purchased 25 Home Compost Bins will be sold to Suva Residents at a subsidized rate of only $30.00/bin. Please enquire at Council’s Health Department for your compost bin and composting tips.
Waste Minimization Tips – Click Here
For More Information
Health Services Department
1st Floor Civic Administration Building,
196 Victoria Parade,
P.O.Box 176, Suva.
Phone: 331 3433 ext 402/406
Fax: 330 8434
Email: enquiries@scc.org.fj