September 27, 2018
March 8, 2019The Suva City Council is hosting a two (2) day “FREE DOG SPAYING & NEUTERING CLINIC” targeting certain residential areas of the City of Suva.
The Council, with support of SPCA, will trial this new proactive community based initiative to improve its service delivery to ratepayers and residents of Suva through a dog control programme that focuses on preventing reproduction of unwanted puppies in high risk areas of Suva.
This is part of our concerted effort to control the stray dog population in the City of Suva and to support those families that cannot otherwise pay for these services.
The details of the programme are outlined below:
DATE: Tuesday 12th to Wednesday 13th March, 2019
TIME: 09.00am to 05.00pm
VENUE: Sukhu Park – Grantham Road, Raiwasa
It is important to note the following conditions:
• this is an open-air clinic for dogs only (no cats)
• service will be for households from within the vicinity of the designated venue and owners will need to show identification with their photo and residential address
• ratepayers and residents should be prepared to answer some basic questions to help with data collection on extent of the stray dog population in Suva
• service will be on a “first-come-first-serve” basis and will strictly apply with only the first incoming fifty (50) dogs attended to in a day
• owners must stay with their dog until recovery
• dogs intended for surgery should not be fed food of any kind after 6pm on the night before the confirmed operation
• For those dogs without license, owners will be required to pay $13.50 and obtain a Dog License at the venue. MOA officials will be around to issue licenses.
– Some professional advice together with Information & Educational materials on Animal Health Care, Protection will also be available at the site all throughout the programme
– Flea control and deworming medication will also be available for sale
– Dog Licensing will also be conducted at the venue.
For further details please contact telephone No. 3313433 ext 403/404/406/408; Fax 3308434; e mail taito@scc.org.fj
Please help SCC to keep our city safe & healthy from unwanted roaming dog population
Bijay Chand