Acting CEO & Special Administrator Chairman – Mr. Tevita G. Taginavulau Boseiwaqa

The Chairman, Special Administrators, and a board of two Special Administrators are appointed by the Government of the day to oversee the policy implementation of the Ministry of Local Government and the Council. As a direct report to the Government, the position ensures the implementation of the People’s Charter, particularly in relation to Good Governance, transparency, integrity, and accountability.

The Special Administrator position ensures that the objectives of the organization and its inhabitants are adhered to and achieved. He also ensures that all Council standing procedures and policies are updated in accordance with the regulations and duly complied with.

Internal Audit Section

To assist the Councils in fulfilling its oversight, foresight and insight responsibilities for:

  • To establish audit objectives and scope of work; establish the management budget; and take responsibility for the overall function of the audit project through wrap-up and final report delivery.
  • To develop and establish the risk management framework of the Suva City Council which includes the identification of the risk, the measurement of risk, the monitoring and controlling of risk.
  • To evaluate the policy and procedures in the Suva City Council and determine if such systems can adequately manage and control the identified risks level.
  • To keep up with latest developments in the area of audit and risk management of Local Government and implement applicable standards and procedures to improve overall risk management framework of the Suva City Council.

Registry Section

Maintenance of all records which includes sustaining the confidentiality of information, sound records management practices, control movement of correspondence within Council and providing support services to the Executive Secretary in the preparation of Council Meeting Papers as well as Civic Functions.

Legal Section

Enforcing Council by-laws in order to eliminate illegal developments and other related activities, prosecution of court cases and providing legal advice to Council.